Importance of Sleep for Children's Growth

The Importance of Sleep for Children's Growth and Development

As parents, we want the best for our children, we want them to eat nutritious food, indulge in stimulating activities and provide them a nurturing environment to support their growth and development. However, one essential factor that is sometimes overlooked is the importance of sleep.

Children that get enough and good quality sleep have a better ability to focus, are more creative, have a higher learning capacity, can solve difficult issues better, and are generally better positioned in social settings than those who do not.

On the other hand, insufficient and poor-quality sleep lowers brain function and also has a negative impact on  learning, working memory, handling conflicts, and decision-making. In this blog, we’ll read about how important it is for children to get enough sleep for better growth and development.

How much Sleep do Kids Need?

Every child is different. Some children sleep a lot, while others sleep very little. This chart provides a broad idea of how much sleep children require over a 24-hour period, including both nocturnal and daytime naps.

Infants (4 to 12 months old) 

12-16 hours 

Toddlers (1 to 2 years old)

11-14 hours 

Children (3 to 5 years old)

10-13 hours 

Children (6-12 years) 

9-12 hours

Teenagers (13-18 years old)

8-10 hours


Importance of Sleep in a Child’s Development

Sleep is very important for a child's physical and mental development. Here are some of the excellent benefits that sleep provides for a child:

1. Physical Growth and Repair

Sleep is the time when your child grows the most. During sleep, the body releases growth hormones that stimulate growth and development, helping children reach their full potential in terms of height and weight. It is found that those children who get enough quality sleep at night have better growth. Getting enough quality sleep also supports the immune system, helping children fight off illness and recover from injuries more efficiently.

2. Cognitive Development and Learning

Your child is in a growing phase and sleep plays an important role in cognitive development and learning. When a child is sleeping, the brain consolidates memories, processes information and forms new neural connections that are essential for learning and problem solving. Children who get enough sleep are better able to focus, concentrate, and retain information, leading to improved academic performance and cognitive skills.

3. Emotional Regulation and Behavior

When your child gets quality sleep at night, their mood will be good throughout the day. Enough sleep helps regulate mood, reduce irritability and enhance emotional resilience. That means they will be able to manage their emotions in a better way. On the other hand, if they don’t get enough sleep at night, they will have mood swings, tantrums, and behavioral problems, impacting both social and emotional development.

4. Physical Health and Well-being

Children love to play and do physical activities. Quality sleep is important for maintaining optimal physical health and well being in children. Children who regularly get enough sleep are less likely to experience health problems such as obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease later in life. Sleep also plays a role in regulating appetite and metabolism, so it reduces the risk of weight related issues.

5. Strengthening the Parent-Child Bond

You love your child and there is no doubt you can move the world for them. We all love spending time with our children whether it be bedtime stories, cuddles or playing with them. Bedtime routine gives you an opportunity for parents to bond with their children and create memories that will last forever. Doing activity with your child makes them feel safe, loved and secure and also helps in strengthening parent-child attachment that helps in their emotional and psychological well being.


Good sleep is important for both physical and mental wellbeing of your child. Getting a good night's sleep is also beneficial to your child's learning and development. You can tell if your child is getting enough sleep if they wake up rested and show no signs of exhaustion during the day, except before naps and at bedtime. If your child is having problems falling asleep or waking up at night, examine their daily routines and establish a conducive sleeping environment.

If you have a bedtime routine for your child but still wakes up tired and bubbly, invest in a good quality mattress and pillow. A comfortable pillow is important for your children's good night's sleep.

A Sleepsia Kids Bamboo pillow will provide your children with excellent comfort. This breathable Sleepsia bamboo pillow is made of high-quality memory foam to keep your children in the optimal sleeping position. It is also carefully designed to provide the maximum possible comfort for your children while also boosting blood circulation in the back. This pillow promotes healthy neck and head alignment in children from an early age, helping them prevent orthopedic illnesses for the rest of their lives.

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