It is very common in India to take afternoon naps after school, and even for adults who stay at home, a midday nap is a must. Naps are brief periods of daytime sleep that typically last 10 minutes to a few hours. Mid-day naps lasting 10 to 30 minutes are referred to as power naps since they can instantly increase energy and alertness.

If you feel groggy even after taking a nap that is because you are taking a longer nap than required. Sleeping 2-3 hours during the day doesn’t make you feel any better, instead you will wake up feeling disoriented and groggy.

This is why it is recommended that you only take 10-30 minute naps throughout the day. Long naps produce more sleep inertia and deeper REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep which make it difficult to wake up in the middle of the sleep.

How Long to Nap

A power nap lasting 20 to 30 minutes is usually considered ideal. It's long enough to provide all of the benefits of sleep without making you feel foggy when you get up.

If you sleep for more than 30 minutes, it will be difficult to get up because your brain has already begun to enter a deeper level of sleep; sleep inertia will drag you back to sleep, and you will wake up sluggish and disoriented.

Benefits of Power Nap

This is scientifically proven that a power nap can have multiple benefits on your memory, alertness and overall health.

Can improve focus and concentration

According to experts, a power nap can help you focus more on work as your brain becomes more alert and less sleepy. Napping also has a positive impact on long term memory, it improves your brain functioning and alertness.

Those who nap for 30 min or less, feel more energetic and concentrated when they wake up as compared to people who take longer naps.

Help you think better

It is quite normal to feel sleepy during a specific time of the day, it is hard to think straight and focus on work when feeling sleepy. A power nap for 30 min or less can help you think better and make calculated decisions easily.

According to studies, naps can help to improve adenosine A1 and A2A receptors in the brain, which helps in making you feel less tired and increase cognition.

Boost the immune system

There is no proven evidence of this but according to many studies conducted on people, it comes out that those who take a short nap during the day have better immune systems as compared to those who didn’t nap.

Napping helps in reducing stress and the levels of inflammatory cytokines and norepinephrine in the body. Studies suggest that lowering these substances with a nap may help restore the equilibrium of the immune system.

Makes you feel better

This may sound strange but it is a common practice in India to sleep when feeling sad or low. Everyone has done this. This is true indeed, during sleep, your brain produces serotonin, popularly known as the happy chemical. This makes you feel more energized and cheerful.

So, the next time you're feeling depressed or melancholy, try taking a short power nap; you'll feel better when you wake up.

How to Take a Power Nap

Here are some tips you can follow while taking a power naps to feel all refreshed and rejuvenated when wake up:

1. Set an alarm for 20 minutes

20 min is the ideal time for a nap, this will make you feel more fresh and less groggy when you wake up. This time provides for around three minutes of stage two sleep, which has been found to have recuperative benefits.

If you're going to take a nap longer than 20 minutes, go for a 90-minute nap, which will allow you to complete a full sleep cycle while still waking up rested.

2. Create a better sleep environment

Daylight can make it hard for you to fall asleep, make sure the room is dark, quiet, and cold so you can fall asleep quickly and get the most out of your nap. If the room is too bright or loud, wear an eye mask or earplugs. You can try using soft pillow while napping as it helps balance your neck and spine.

3. Avoid sleeping on comfy bed

If you feel it is difficult for you to wake up when you sleep in your bed, try taking a nap on your couch or chair. Opt for a space where it is hard to sleep for more than 30 min.

If your bed works well for you and you can wake up within 30 minutes feeling completely refreshed, you can undoubtedly snooze on your comfortable bed.

4. Try coffee before nap

You can try drinking coffee or other caffeinated beverages before a 30-minute nap as it allows the caffeine to kick in the system and make it easier to fall asleep. As a result, you may feel more awake and rejuvenated when you wake up.

5. Avoid naps late in the evening

Try to nap in the middle of the day or after lunch (12:00-3:00), as napping late in the day makes it difficult to fall asleep at night.

Drawbacks of Long Naps

Most people in India take lengthier naps during the day, particularly in small cities where life moves slowly. When you wake up from a long nap, it takes some time for you to regain full alertness since you will feel sluggish and disoriented for a while.

Napping for 30 to 90 minutes boosts your chances of waking up in a deeper sleep state, causing sleep inertia. Sleep inertia can continue between 30 and 60 minutes after waking up, making it harder to wake up.

It is also found that those who nap for a longer time can suffer from high blood pressure and type 2 disease. Also, those who have insomnia or any other condition related to sleep should avoid taking naps.


Power naps are short, midday naps that usually last 10-30 minutes. Experts believe that 20 minutes is the ideal power sleep time. A 20-minute power nap can reenergize you while also preventing you from falling asleep deeply and waking up tired.

Power naps can help you not only feel more alert, but also boost your thinking and memory. A power nap is fine for most individuals, but if you suffer insomnia, you should avoid napping.

You can also try using a Sleepsia soft pillow for quality sleep and wake up all refreshed and rejuvenated.