You are tired of your kid waking up in the middle of night. You might be thinking if there is anything in this world that can help you put your child to sleep and fix their sleep schedule.

A bedtime routine is as important for kids as it is to you. Having a fixed bedtime routine signals to you little one that it is time to go to sleep. Newborns ( and even toddlers) have no concept of time, but when you create a bedtime routine for them, they start developing a mindset of what is going to happen next.

Bedtime routines are a set of regular, repetitive tasks carried out every night before going to bed. Whether you realize it or not, everybody has a  bedtime routine. It can include having a bath, changing into pajamas, reading a book, listening to relaxing music, and so on, depending on what works best for you.

A study shows that children who follow bedtime rituals are more likely to go to bed earlier, fall asleep faster, sleep longer, and wake up less during the night. These improvements to sleep quality can be seen years later in children who followed nighttime routines when they were younger.

When should you start a bedtime routine for your kid?

Don't put pressure on yourself to set up a sleep routine as soon as you return home from the hospital with your baby. After all, he and you both need to recover from the struggle of birth! Babies don’t have the ability to know whether it is day or night.

However, when your baby is 6 to 8 weeks old, you can start setting up a sleep routine. At this early age, the bedtime routine should be short at first, perhaps just a cuddling feeding and a quick read of a book.

As your baby grows, you can make changes to the nighttime routine based on his or her sleep pattern and schedule. It is recommended to keep the nighttime routine short and simple.

Why a Kids bedtime routine is important

A fixed Bedtime routine enhances a child's natural circadian cycles, teaching them the difference between day and night. A bedtime routine helps child to know what is going to be the next step helping the child to sleep better.

A consistent bedtime routine  provides a sense of comfort that can be especially beneficial during difficult sleep periods for you and your child, such as when you're sleep training (which you can start between the ages of 4 and 6 months) or your baby is experiencing a sleep regression.

Bedtime routines for Kids

Babies join the world on their own timetable. They don't know the difference between 1 p.m. and 1 a.m. That's because kids haven't developed their circadian rhythm, the 24-hour internal clock that regulates sleep-wake cycles.

So, just as you teach a newborn to walk and talk, you can also help them get their internal clock in line with their surroundings. (Plan to begin sleep training when your infant is 4 to 6 months old.)

Your goal should be to establish a relaxing and consistent nighttime routine that will help them wind down. Following the routine every night will help your child realize when it's time to sleep.

But it's perfectly FINE if you don’t have a bedtime routine for your child yet, you can start today. Here are some tips that you can follow to create a perfect bedtime routine for your child.

1. Focus on feeding

Nobody sleeps well with an upset stomach. Feeding your baby around 15 minutes before bedtime can help them fall asleep.

If you have toddlers or preschoolers, let them eat two to four hours before bedtime. If you plan to give a bedtime snack, do so at least an hour before bedtime to allow the food to settle.

People who eat meals well before bedtime have plenty of time to digest their food. Taking time between eating and lying down lowers the chance of GER symptoms and poor sleep.

2. Bath time before bedtime

A calming bath 90 minutes to an hour before bedtime can help your child get better sleep at night. A warm bath increases blood flow to your children's body.

For the record, this isn't only for children. A warm bath or shower before bedtime will help anyone get a good night's sleep.

3. Read a book aloud

According to research, reading a book to your child before sleep helps them calm down and a good story can lead to child sleep in no time.
Also, Books might help anyone sleep better. Hearing books read aloud will help your child develop language skills, and it has many other benefits as well.

4. Sing a song

We all have experienced that relaxing music promotes good sleep. Lullabies have been around since ancient times, and there's a reason why calm, melodic lyrics like "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star" are still popular bedtime songs.

In fact, these songs are so effective that studies demonstrate that babies relax even when they hear lullabies sung in another language.

5. Avoid screen time

You must restrict your child’s screen usage before sleep. Time spent in front of a television or tablet screen will not just keep your child occupied during the daytime. It may also keep them up at night.

Researchers discovered that 13-month-old babies lost one minute of nightly sleep for every minute they spent using a touchscreen tablet during the day. They also got less sleep and woke up more frequently at night.

And 3-month-olds who watched TV for 34 minutes had 22 minutes less sleep every day.

Try to avoid anything that could overstimulate your youngster soon before bedtime.

6. Be consistent

It is important to begin your child’s routine at the same time each night. Go in the same order every night. (For example, bath time, reading, and finally a lullaby.)

Most importantly, switch off those lights at around the same time everyday.

When you find a schedule that works for you, stick to it.


It will not be easy for any parent to stick to a routine. There will always be challenges, but do your best to stay in your regimen after you've established it.

If you follow a nightly routine but your child still wakes up weary and bubbly, you should check your mattress and pillow. A nice pillow is essential for your children's restful nights' sleep.

A Sleepsia Kids Bamboo pillow can provide your children with great comfort. This breathable Sleepsia bamboo pillow is composed of high-quality memory foam to ensure your children's proper sleeping position.

It is also precisely constructed to provide the best possible comfort for your children while also improving blood circulation in the back.

This pillow encourages proper neck and head alignment in children from an early age, allowing them to avoid orthopedic diseases for the rest of their life.