It's the last day to submit the school project, and you're sitting at your desk, thinking about something else, not being able to focus on what's in front of you. We've all been there: it's difficult to stay focused and motivated all the time. You're not alone! Many people struggle with these things. But don’t worry, there are simple ways to help you stay on track and get more done. In this article, we’ll learn 5 easy tips to improve your focus and motivation.

Set Clear Goals

There are days we spend thinking this needs to be done and doing nothing at all. And it is okay to have these days, but when this becomes a habit, it can cost you a lot. It is important that you start by setting clear and simple goals.

For example, instead of saying “I want to sleep early today,” say “I will by 9:00 today." In the second statement, you decide a time at which you’ll go to bed. While the first statement can be interpreted in many ways. Stating clearly what needs to be done helps you focus more and stay motivated for it. Clear goals help you know exactly what you need to do.

You can write all the goals down and keep them somewhere you can easily see them. Also, always start with small steps, as they keep themselves motivated without feeling overwhelmed.

Break Tasks into Smaller Steps

Big tasks can feel overwhelming at times, and it is completely fine. What is important is that you break big tasks into smaller ones and make easy steps to get all of them done. Always take short breaks between tasks to refresh your mind.

Have you ever heard of the book “Eat That Frog”? The book concludes that the best way to get anything done is by starting the hardest part first. For example, if you have an exam the next day and you have 5 chapters to complete, start with the one you have studied the least, complete it, and then move on to another one after a short break. Don’t just open the book and start doing what comes in front of you. This makes the task feel less scary and helps you make steady progress.

Create a Routine

Having a routine helps your brain know when it’s time to work and when it’s time to rest. For example, if you decide to go to bed at 10:00 pm every night and you continue sleeping at 10:00 pm for a month, you are most likely to feel sleepy around 10:00 every day and it becomes hard for you to stay awake. This is the power of a routine, it trains your brain to do something at a fixed time. Set specific times for work and breaks. A daily routine makes it easier to stay focused and get things done because your body gets used to the schedule.

Limit Distractions

Modern society is full of distractions, which can steal your focus. The first step towards minimizing distraction is recognizing what is stopping you from focusing on work. It could be your mobile phone, your work environment, or your pet. It is important that you find yourself a distraction-free space. Turn off all the notifications on your phone and computer.

If you find yourself getting distracted from a website, try using apps that block distracting websites. Lesser the distraction more will be your productivity so follow the tips and get your work done fast.

Take Regular Breaks

You must have noticed that if you work for too long without taking any breaks, you’ll start to feel tired and lose your focus eventually. It is necessary that you take short breaks every hour to rest your mind. You can stretch, take a short walk, or just relax for a few minutes. Regular breaks help you stay fresh and motivated throughout the day.

One thing that we sacrifice the most is our sleep. Sleep is essential for your general well-being, and not getting enough of it can make you lethargic and unproductive. It is essential to acquire 7-9 hours of sleep per night. A nice mattress and a high-quality pillow can improve your nightly sleep.


By following these simple tips, you can improve your focus, stay motivated, and get more done. Remember to set clear goals, break tasks into smaller steps, create a routine, limit distractions, take regular breaks, and sleep well at night. If you want to sleep better at night, you can try using a memory foam pillow. It not only improves your sleep quality but also helps people who have neck and back pain. Give these ideas a try and see how they work for you.