Taking a Break From Social Media help sleep better

How Taking a Break From Social Media Help You Sleep Better

Do you find yourself on a social media app but can't recall picking up your phone and tapping on the app? You are not the only person doing this. With so much information available and only a portion of reality, it can be difficult to remain calm and not feel overwhelmed.

Checking for news and updates can easily turn into doom scrolling and we end up spending too much time online. Nothing is good in excess, and social media is no different. Social media has an impact on the quality of sleep we get, and spending too many hours online leaves us with less time to sleep.

If you are missing out on time with friends and family, completing schoolwork, or engaging in other activities because of how much time you spend on social media, it is your sign to take a break from social media.

It can be difficult, especially for those who constantly scroll through social media, but try it once, and you're going to love it later! In this blog post, we will discuss how social media affects your sleep, how you can take a social media break, and the benefits of doing so.

How Does Social Media Affect Your Sleep?

How many of us carry our phones to bed and scroll through Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter before falling asleep? Many people, both young and old, now sleep with their cell phones in their bedrooms.

All the devices we use whether it be your phone or tablet or laptop, all these devices emit blue light. This type of light can interfere with our body's natural sleep-wake cycle, making it harder for us to fall asleep at night.

Also, using social media too much can make you feel stressed especially if you are constantly comparing your lives with others on social media or if you end up watching upsetting news. It can make it difficult for you to fall asleep later at night.

The Benefits of Taking a Break

  1. Improved Sleep Quality: By taking a break from social media, especially before bedtime, you can improve the quality of your sleep. You'll sleep better not just because there's less stimulus but also because there is less blue light.
  2. You’ll have free time: When you stop using social media, you will have more time to focus on other things, such as your relationships, fun activities, or learning new skills.
  3. Less stressed: Stepping away from comparison culture and frequent negative news can help you improve your mental health, reduce anxiety, and feel more at ease. Staying away from social media can actually boost your happiness.
  4. Establishing a Healthy Routine: The time you save by not using social media can be spent on other relaxing hobbies such as reading, meditation, and journaling, all of which can help you feel more relaxed and sleep better at night.
  5. You’ll feel more connected: Detoxing from social media allows you to connect with others in real life. Perhaps it's catching up with friends over coffee, joining a club, volunteering for an organization, participating in a sport, or doing anything else in person.

Tips for a Digital Detox

This decision to take a break from social media can be difficult, and you might give up, so here are some tips to help you get started and succeed on your social media detox journey:
  • Make a Plan: The first step is to decide on specific times of day when you will avoid using social media, especially in the hours leading up to bedtime. You can start with one day every week, or practice a "social media fast" on weekends, and progress from there.
  • Limit or Delete Apps: You can also completely remove social media apps from your phone or you can limit the usage from your phone setting. If you find yourself frequently picking up your phone and idly tapping, remove your apps for a while; you can always reinstall them later.
  • Create Tech Free Zones: Choose some places of your home, especially your bed, where you cannot carry or use any of your devices.
  • Find Alternatives: Find options to spending time on social media, such as reading, going for a walk, working on a puzzle, or connecting with people in person. Finding methods to spend your time before you stop using social media will make the transition simpler.


Social media can be fun and useful, but it is very important to be mindful while using it. Finally, only you can decide whether taking a break from social media will work for you. Taking some time off social media allows you to stay more connected to what is truly important and also have a very positive impact on your sleep quality.

Looking to boost your sleep quality after taking a break from social media? Consider trying a bamboo pillow. These pillows are designed to provide great comfort and support, which are key to getting a good night's sleep. By adding a bamboo pillow to your bedtime routine, you can enhance the benefits of your social media detox and enjoy better sleep overall.

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