Paytm Offer - Terms & Conditions

Get Extra 5% Cashback via Paytm | No Coupon Code Required

  • Pay using Paytm Wallet and get an offer of 5% upto INR 250
  • Minimum txns value: INR 750 
  • The offers are valid once per user
  • Offer valid till 31st December 2018 23:59 hrs.
Please find below the TnC's 
1. Flat 5% cashback when you pay using Paytm Wallet at Sleepsia
2. Minimum transaction amount is Rs 750
3. Offer is valid once per user
4. Maximum cashback is Rs.250
5. Cashback will be cancelled in case of full refunds or cancellation of orders 
6. In partial refund cases cashback will be rolled back in same proportionate amount
7. Mobile number needs to be verified to be eligible for cash back
8. In case of any dispute, the customer needs to get in touch with the Merchant/Brand
9. According to RBI's new guideline, users who have not undergone Paytm KYC will not receive cashbacks in their wallets.
10. According to RBI's new guideline, Users who have not undergone Paytm KYC will have their wallet limits reduced to Rs. 10,000 a month and would have to provide us any one ID proof to continue adding money or receiving cashbacks in their wallets